book About Ravenist Collection

It is Ravenist's original raven collection drawn by talented designers.

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Ravenist Collection verified

Ravenist Token

apps 10,000,000 total
people 475 owners
list 2021-05-04 01:16:41
account_balance 0%
visibility 3508x2480
save 3.08 MB
trending_up 0.08 RVN
privacy_tip Details

The goal of Ravenist is to make a transparent and user friendly marketplace

Creating NFTs should not be complicated. This is why Ravenist exists

Our approach is to automate buying, selling, creating, and transferring of NFTs

One way to achieve this is that we have created 10 Million Ravenist NFT Tokens

Question) What does the Ravenist NFT token offer to users?

-Ravenist NFT tokens can be likened to points, credits, rewards, in-app purchases, etc.

The Ravenist NFT Tokens are purchased by using Ravencoin.

Current and Future use cases for Ravenist NFT Tokens
Create NFTS,
Promote your NFT to be on the Home Page
Promote your NFT to be on the Home Page Banner
Have Ravenist make a Flyer and Promote your NFT on their Twitter Account

The Ravenist NFT Tokens will have additional uses as the platform grows.

If you don't end up using the Ravenist NFT tokens, you can list it for sale and other buyers can buy them from you.

reorder Listings
Unit Price
shopping_cart Buy
Price RVN
Site Fee : 6% Royalty Fee : 0%
Total RVN
local_offer Offers
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shopping_cart Sell
Price RVN
Site Fee : 6% Royalty Fee : 0%
Total RVN
people Rich List (Top 30)
# User Quantity %
1 Ravenist 9,777,955 97.78%
2 Ryan 119,466 1.19%
3 mlamd 10,000 0.1%
4 papawait 9,980 0.1%
5 Ted 5,573 0.06%
6 Jpiotrowski 5,075 0.05%
7 d3elks 5,000 0.05%
8 HandsomeHounds 2,240 0.02%
9 Mrp 2,021 0.02%
10 Waltzinpeacock 2,000 0.02%
11 Chefwescrypto 2,000 0.02%
12 Keviniom 1,910 0.02%
13 DaekyuKwon 1,048 0.01%
14 JDubya 1,000 0.01%
15 h4rryh1rsch2342 1,000 0.01%
16 jsstats 1,000 0.01%
17 RenewaBlox 996 0.01%
18 Djgabriel05 874 0.01%
19 INGIL 873 0.01%
20 R8080 800 0.01%
21 mike 776 0.01%
22 RavencoinAssets 694 0.01%
23 Wata1003d 650 0.01%
24 nlukin 586 0.01%
25 SigSeeker 582 0.01%
26 Inx 567 0.01%
27 yangheli 548 0.01%
28 TexasTycoon 536 0.01%
29 minbtc 534 0.01%
30 rolex99 510 0.01%