book About Cyber Ravens

Cyber Ravens collection is a Club of Cybernetic Ravens, living on the Ravencoin Blockchain .
There are 250 of them plus some Special Editions .
all ready & complete.
The minting will happen gradually .

Collect 12 (directly. gift ones aren't valid in the count) & get a special edition as gift 🔥

At the current price, the first collector gets 19 Mrp Token as gift 🔥.
You can turn them into my NFTs 🔥
1 Mrp Token (MT) = 1 $RVN
Also there's a collection coming soon only for Mrp Token holder

link Blockchain Information
Chain Address


Cyber Ravens verified

Cyber Raven #171

mdo Owned by FatalFrames
list 2022-10-04 01:12:25
account_balance 3%
visibility 1024x1024
save 0.96 MB
trending_up 50.00 RVN
privacy_tip Details

Cyber Ravens collection is a Club of Cybernetic Ravens, living on the Ravencoin Blockchain .There are 250 of them plus some Special Editions .all ready & complete.The minting will happen gradually.

Current Price
800.00 RVN
(10% site fee + 1.5% royalty fee = 892.00 RVN)

people Trading History
Price From To Date
50 RVN Mrp FatalFrames 2022-10-04 03:34:09
local_offer Offer History

No offers have been made for this asset yet.

timeline Asset History
# Status Date Note
local_offer Tags

art, digital, nft